1.0 来自妻子的录像信
8.0 骷髅扮演2
5.0 骷髅扮演1
7.0 自由2019
2019 历史,情色,理论简介:1774, a few years before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin... Madame de Dumeval, the Duke of Tesis and the Duke of Wand, libertines expelled from the Puritan court of Louis XVI, sought the support of the legendary Duke of Walchen, a seducer and free thinker from Germany, alone in a country where hypocrisy and false virtue reigned. Their mission to export libertinage to Germany, a philosophy of enlightenment based on the rejection of morality and authority but also, and above all, to find a safe place to continue their misguided games. -
8.0 忠贞2019
2019 剧情,理论简介:The plot centers on a couple Lena is a talented obstetrician and gynecologist, and her husband Sergey is an actor in a provincial theater. Their relationship is tender and close, but totally devoid of sex. Lena suspects that Sergey is having an affair, but she suffers silently without letting her jealousy show. Instead of finding out what is going on, Lena starts cheating on him with random men. Slowly but surely, Lena's acts of infidelity spin out of control, basically re-writing her real life. -
5.0 真爱的伪术
2016 剧情,理论简介:此为1920年代艺术界真人真事改编。编自二战后举世震惊的「维梅尔伪画事件」,由荷兰电影奖最佳导演鲁道夫范登贝治(RudolfvandenBerg)首度搬上大银幕。剧情描述荷兰艺术家米格伦(HanvanMeegeren)教人叹为观止的真实人生,他因爱上知名艺评家布雷迪斯的美丽妻子尤兰卡,从此画作惨遭恶评。为求报复,于是开始仿造维梅尔,不料竟成功瞒过情敌、骗过艺术界,最夸张的是,还让纳粹空军元帅戈林以高价收藏,震惊全世界。果然「维梅尔」成功骗过专家,甚至高价卖给纳粹…米格伦一直被视为继承荷兰大师的天才画家。一次偶然,他遇见女星尤兰卡,深深为她著迷,但她却是赫赫知名艺评家布雷迪斯的妻子。米格伦不顾外界看法邀她作画,浓情爱意跃然于画布上,从此树立了一个足以摧毁自己职场的敌人。妒火中烧的布雷迪斯,为报复米格伦,公开诋毁他的画作。米格伦事业遭受打击,人生顿时跌落了谷底。名声重创的米格伦于是搬到南欧,专心致志报复布雷迪斯。由于维梅尔画作,向来都由布雷迪斯负责鑑赏,米格伦于是倾全力绘製了完美的伪画,诱使他做出错误的判断。果然这些「维梅尔画作」成功骗过了布雷迪斯,更骗过艺术界专家、卖进了博物馆,其中一幅甚至还高价卖给纳粹首脑戈林,从此翻转了米格伦...